Website Development
Website Design & Development
Your website is the center of your digital marketing universe, and as such, has a hell of a job to do. It needs to engage users, encourage conversions, load in under 3 seconds and work on tiny mobile screens to huge monitors, whilst still looking the part. We build affordable, fast, effective websites that are designed to help you win more work and take your marketing and business to the next level.
Our Process
It’s as easy as 1 2, 3, and 4 is more!
1. Defining Business & Marketing Objectives
Everything starts with a discovery meeting to clearly define your business and marketing objectives. We then carefully scope the project to ensure your objectives are 100% met.
2. Structured Process and Visual Design
We work through a structured process that includes developing a sitemap, building wireframes, defining the content and bringing this all together in the visual design stage.
3. Develop, Test, Launch, Test Again!
We then develop, populate, test, launch and test again. And of course, any website we build has SEO at all stages of the process to ensure that we not only retain your rankings – but that we improve your visibility in organic search.
4. Ongoing Hosting, Serious Support!
We take supporting our clients very seriously and provide our clients with quick response and turn-around times on changes requested. The success of your business is the success of ours!
Website Hosting
Safe, secure and reliable hosting.
We store your website files and emails on our Come Alive servers, which is needed to keep your site up and running.
Our ongoing support also means that if anything goes wrong on your website, we’ll be able to fix it.
Digital Marketing
Grow your brand online.
Once your website is live, that is the real start of your digital marketing future. Where appropriate, we also assist you with daily/subtle marketing of your online presence as well as more aggressive lead generating and marketing options. Some of our methods include Google Ads, Social Media, Search Engine Optimisation and Bulk Email Campaigns.